Thursday, June 21, 2007

A New Blog, A New Day...

I'd like to think these little tidbits of mine will be interesting to someone other than myself. Hmph. Let's call the whole thing what it is from the get-go. It is self-indulgence. A little piece of me that just wants to be heard.

Today I sat drinking Hefeweizen with a guy I'd never met. He is, of all things, a turtle tracker. I'm not lying. He tracks turtles and does whatever turtle-trackers do. His name was John and we quickly delved into what was for me, a beer-induced conversation about life, deism, and the future of humanity.

I write about this here because you don't meet too many people like John. Chit-chat and idle chatter tend to fill up most of my non-work related conversation. Life just seems a bit too short for such things, hence the Blog.

I'm an idealist in my heart and soul. Facts are great and people that ignore them tend to fall off buildings or burn their houses down. But facts without meaning are trite little survival mechanisms missing the very thing that makes survival worth its salt in the first place.

I subtitled this Blog, and my webpage: A Place for Deeper Swimmers.

Let's hope we do more than scratch the surface.

Peace and love,


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