Sunday, June 15, 2008

If you take a world champion to a comic convention....

So I've spent a few years now reading the "If you take a mouse to the movies..." stories to my kids. What happens if you take a world championship Brazillian to a comic convention?
If you take a world champ to a comic convention,
he might ask to dig through all the Spawn action figure boxes...

He'll buy some, then lay them down at the Star Wars boxes...

If you offer to carry them, he'll let you.

Then he'll start hunting down Wolverine items...
and grub.

He'll frown on your high carb plate, and caffine beverage.
And laugh when you tell him it's a special training diet.

Then, he'll visit the artists...
and they'll love him,
even though the conversation tends to steer away from cubism or dadism.

If you take a world champ to a comic convention,
he'll get cool perks, and maybe even some free stuff.
He'll make new friends, and you will too.

He'll hold your Green Arrow stuff for you,
while you rummage the boxes for back issues you missed.

You'll debate how much you want to spend,
and on what.

He'll tell the comic artists and writers
how much you talk about them,
everyday before training.
If you take a world champ to a comic convention,
you're both going to have some fun...
bond a little bit off the mats...

Share a new technique... that doesn't leave a bruise.


As of Sunday, June 8 -- Samuel Braga is a six time Brazillian Jujitsu champion. He's visiting a little town in East Tennessee, making new friends, helping us build a school of quality trainers... he may be here a while, who knows?

Samuel is probably the most humble person I've ever met in my entire life. To have accomplished so much, and to be at the top of his game, yet still as down to earth as anyone you'll ever meet is a testament to the Gracie Barra school, Samuel's parents who raised him well, and Samuel himself -- who is a good Christian man.

He reminds me how far I have to go in my journey -- not only as a fighter, but as a human being.

And yeah, he LOVES comics.

We met some fantastic people, who lifted some of my own cynical attitudes about the industry. They humbled me just as Samuel did -- professionals at the top of their game.

What a great day!

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